My final decision for the ring is the vial one (To view the other concepts, please visit older blog posts). From the proof sheet, I only made the band a solid shape instead of a hollowed-out ring that works like a bottle. I hollowed out the neck area but the measurement of the cork vs the neck wasn't properly aligned after skewing it. So I only had the outlines to work with and restart building the shape. I ended up creating a thicker ring design to make sure printing could work.
I thought I knew how I was going to approach this with the skills I had until I realized I'm using the wrong Boolean command. I struggled with getting an offset version of the ring's band to be deleted on the inside so the model will be hollowed out, I was working with Boolean split, thinking that should work, but it split into 6 copies of the ring in the same place. After a bit of troubleshooting, I realized that BooleanDifference was the command I was supposed to be using this whole time. For both the band of the ring and the bottleneck portion, all I needed to do was use one command instead of doing a split, cap, offset, and loft multiple times.
So with the Wall Thickness in mind, I had to make sure that I left a decent amount of space between each wall when I'm hollowing the ring out. When I opened 3D tools in Shapeways, I forgot to change the material at first and freaked myself out thinking that the whole thing didn't qualify for the wall thickness, but since I chose SLA Plastic Clear - Accura 60, it means that I did end up passing everything on the
tolerance test.
**SLA Plastic Clear - Accura 60 (A rigid semi-clear photopolymer resin)
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