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4. Parametric Structure Scale Model (Process) (i)


Hello! Thought I'd write this little update blog before the render one because I've hit many walls already. Just thinking about physically building it, and seeing how my concept transfer digitally has made me want to change a few things from my sketch. Physically building the base and wave part became one piece and it will be 3D printed/ laser cut for now. The CNC curve part is if I want to advance it but I think alternatives are fine. The intersecting angled piece that holds the laptop, that one will be the full width of the table piece hopefully holding together everything and can just be an easy installation for people. Alternatively, I’d just have that as one Boolean Union piece if I’m just laser cutting the same seed for the whole table. 

I did end up 3D printing 2 mini versions/ of the desks. And when I say mini…. They are REALLY SMALL, I just wanted to save time and use it as a test print so I did them at the fast setting and at 60% scale compared to my digital file. Didn’t realize the result size of the physical print… oops? But now I know to scale up when I do my laser cut piece for the 25th blog. 

Here are some screenshots of some failed processes in building my table. I couldn't get a lot of things working in the first round and tried to create things manually in Rhino, but with some help from a friend I had to rebuild it so everything can be adjustable. 


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