So selecting my objects for this reverse engineering project, I wanted to select an object that was do-able.
I have selected a tray, a pair of scissors, and a photo frame. All three of them have separate parts that can be pulled apart and put back together, the tray and the photo frame doesn't require screws and specific tools to take apart. I believe the scizzor I have has a screw and ending tab thing that attaches the blade and plastic handles.
These three objects should be considered "mechanical" in nature enough. I chose scizzor as my first option since it seems the most mechanical and simple. The tray is more of a repeating pattern all around even with the objects holding the two trays separate, it's still a repeating thing. So a challenge for the pattern and sizing to fit each other, along with alignment, but besides that it should be a somewhat reasonable object to do for three weeks. A photo frame, because of the pattern and detailing to the frame, along with the back screws for the "hinges" I think it's a cool idea to go with, even though it seems very 2D. it's a good variation in material if we render the objects in those three weeks too compared to the others that are just plastic and metal.
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