Concept Sketch: Trying to combine our (Adam, Siwon, and Erica's) original object and our new group members (Amanda and Ri's) design, was quite confusing at first. We realized that Amanda and Ri's design doesn't work with the ceramic 3-D print as the base of the design, along with how their design all meet together at a very sharp point. With our design, the rings hanging off the design wouldn't work with the clay either. We all liked the way Adam and Siwon's design faded together really well, so each of us sketched out one design where it blended both objects together in different ways. We ended up having similar ideas of adding the egg-shaped at the bottom and keeping the fade between Adam and Siwon's design. Rhino 6 files: Merging similar parts of sketches, we decided to create it in Rhino to visually see if our post In some of the screenshots, in the background are the trial and errors of the design. We had to rebuild our initial ...